There are still a few issues with AlmaLinux 9, not because of AlmaLinux, but because the oVirt engine force enables a bunch of Centos 9 Stream repositories breaking the system. You can get around this by basically disabling those repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/ as they appear – bugs will be filed with the engine.
echo -e "[vscode]\\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\nrepo_gpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=\nmetadata_expire=1h" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo
You need to get to the latest update level on the CentOS systems. If the systems have been unloved you will likely find that they can no longer access the repos servers.
Change the baseurl to, comment out the mirrorlist as per this image.