Converting Centos 8 to Centos 8 Stream – because you know you want to!

This is more so I can remember, but it’s basically 3 steps.

Apply all the latest patches to your Centos 8 systems

dnf update -y

Then install the Centos 8 stream repo’s

dnf install -y centos-release-stream

Then swap from Centos Linux repo’s to Centos stream repo’s

dnf swap -y centos-{linux,stream}-repos

Then do a distro sync to get everything back in sync

dnf distro-sync -y

You should be golden at this point

Fresh Openshift Cluster install (4.6) on vSphere doesn’t complete – Cluster Monitoring Operator stuck

It’s a simple issue to resolve, but just a little annoying.

The CVO doesn’t complete because the Cluster-monitoring-operator pod rollout stuck with error message CreateContainerConfigError.

The actual error shows that :

Error: container has runAsNonRoot and image has non-numeric user (nobody), cannot verify user is non-root

This is still an open issue with Red Hat and it’s being tracked via this BZ. It is however easily corrected by deleting the offending pod and letting it get re-created
